Post-Operative Information
Once home, it is imperative to remember to complete your antibiotics and any other medicine that your doctor prescribed. Most pain medication causes constipation, remember to eat lots of fibre and drink fluids to mitigate this.
Your surgeon will instruct you on how to care for your wound, which typically needs to stay dry for a week; as well as let you know when you need to return for a pot-operative follow up visit.

If you experience any of the below symptoms, call your surgeon immediately or to the emergency room:
- Chills / fever.
- Chest pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.
- Unable to urinate.
- Bleeding from incisions.
- Redness / warmth around incisions.
- Light-headedness, pounding heart.
- Pain that cannot be controlled with prescribed medicine.
In addition to the hospital, several other service providers will also bill you or your medical aid, it is your responsibility and right as a patient to discuss fees with any service provider.
Surgiclinic Hospital has no control over these fees: there may for example be co-payments when a service provider (like pathology, physiotherapy, or the anaesthetist) charges differently to medical aid approved tariffs.
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