Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction Surgery
Breast reconstruction is a physically and emotionally rewarding procedure for women who have lost one or both breasts due to genetic susceptibility or breast cancer. When faced with a mastectomy, it’s normal to feel anxious, sad and uncertain about giving up a part of your body. Your breasts may be closely tied to your sense of femininity, your sexuality, your confidence, your self-image and, if you have breastfed children, your experience of motherhood.
The extent of breast reconstructive surgery is determined by the extent of the cancer surgery viz.: .partial mastectomy/ lumpectomy ( partial removal of a breast)
- subcutaneous mastectomy( removing breast tissue but leaving the breast envelope and the nipple/areola behind.)
- complete mastectomy( removal of the entire breast together with the nipple/ areolae) Sometimes immediate reconstruction at the time of the mastectomy can be performed.
In other cases, it is best to delay reconstruction until all cancer treatment has been completed.
Breast Reconstruction Options
Immediate reconstruction:
- Prosthesis, with or without tissue expansion
- Lattisimus Dorsi back flap with breast implant
- Abdominal TRAM flap
- Abdominal DIEP free flap
Delayed breast reconstruction:
- Prosthesis, with or without tissue expansion
- Lattisimus Dorsi back flap with breast implant
- Abdominal TRAM flap
- Abdominal DIEP flap
Improve Your Appearance
Speak with a specialist or schedule a consultation today.