Ear Pinning / Otoplasty

This procedure has been designed whereby ears are sculptured and pinned closer to the head. The procedure is ideally performed in children, just before they reach school going age. This is to prevent them from going through the ordeal of being teased by their peers, which could result in them being psychologically traumatized! Often patients don t have the opportunity of being operated at an early age in which case the procedure can still be done later.

Ear Pinning / Otoplasty Procedure

In the case of older children and adults, the procedure is performed under local anesthetic and sedation( pain-free). In younger patients, a general anesthetic is preferred. The procedure is done through a small scar behind the ear. Once the ear cartilage has been exposed, the cartilage shape is changed and maintained by means of fine sutures. It is often necessary to reduce the cavity in the ear known as the concha. This has the effect of advancing the ear closer to the head. Once the skin has been closed using fine, dissolvable sutures, a special protective bandage is placed around the patients head, protecting the ears but at the same time reducing the discomfort.

Your questions answered

Down time is approximately 7 days.During this time patients, especially children should withhold from rough games and contact sport whereby their ears could be injured, resulting in hematomas( excessive bleeding). The protective head bandage must be worn for one week. Children may attend school after 1 week, but may not partake in sport / strenuous exercises for 4-6 weeks.
Although this is not a high-risk procedure, with complications being few and far between, the following complications may occur: Infection , very seldom seen and totally treatable. Haematoma ( excessive bleeding ), localizing in the affected ear and resulting in pain or severe discomfort. Often associated with an injury of the ear. Surgical drainage could be necessary.

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Your IVF Fertility Journey

Scheduling a fertility consultation with one of our fertility expert gynecologists:

  • Dr Richard Joubert 013 7457605
  • Dr Pieter Steyn 013 7552106
  • Dr Wilhelm Combrink 013 7457988
  • Dr Jean Nel 013 7458054

*Your fertility journey timescale might differ from the one described here.

  • 1

    The fertility specialist will do all necessary tests and evaluations on you as a couple in order to make a fertility treatment diagnosis.

  • 2

    To start the treatment program you will call the fertility specialists rooms on the first day of your next menstruation.

  • 3

    You will see the fertility specialist on day 2 or day 3 of your cycle for a sonar examination to determine the state of the ovaries and uterus before you start taking the medication. The specialist will explain how the stimulation drugs are used henceforth on your own or with the help of your partner.

  • 4

    Your next appointment will be on day 8 or 9 of your cycle. The Doctor will again do a sonar to see how your ovaries have responded to the stimulation and he will start monitoring them in terms of count as well as diameter. You will also be sent for blood tests to correlate the hormonal value increase with the number of developing follicles on the ovaries.

  • 5

    Once the biggest follicle measures more than 20mm in diameter, the doctor will determine the day of aspirating the mature eggs and a trigger drug will be administered to mature the eggs.

  • 6

    In the meantime, you will be referred to Surgiclinic Fertility to open your file and hospital admission. Your eggs will be harvested 36 hours after taking the trigger drug. This is usually scheduled for 9pm at night so we can do the harvest around 8am 36 hours later. You need to be fasting from the previous night and report to Surgiclinic Private Hospital at 7am sharp to be ready for the aspiration procedure scheduled for 8am

  • 7

    The anesthetist will give you conscious sedation to not feel any pain or discomfort while the oocytes are harvested. This process is the same as when the doctor monitored your follicles in the rooms with the only difference that the aspiration needle is now attached to the sonar probe.

  • 8

    In the meantime, your partner needs to be available on the day of aspiration to give a very much needed sperm sample. He is usually expected to have 3 to 5 days of sexual abstinence to give a good sample by means of masturbation. There is a special private facility close to the IVF lab where he will find all that is needed to do his very important part in this procedure.

  • 9

    Once all the follicles are aspirated the doctor will put a small armband around your wrist with the exact number of eggs retrieved written on it. You will be served some tea and toast once you wake up.

  • 10

    You should be ready to go home at around 10am. Try to rest at home and do not plan any other activities as you might not feel up to it. There might be some lower abdominal discomfort as well as bleeding.

  • 11

    The embryologist will continue the preparation of both eggs and sperm sample to be able to do the fertilisation on the very same day the aspiration has taken place.

  • 12

    Each morning the embryologist will evaluate the development of the eggs starting with fertilisation to embryo development. You will receive a Whatsapp picture every day to explain what they look like at that time.

  • 13

    The fertility specialist will decide when the embryo transfer will be, either day 3 or day 5 of development.

  • 14

    You and your partner will be expected to report to Surgiclinic Fertility an hour prior to embryo transfer.

  • 15

    Your partner will sit next to you while the embryos are transferred by sonar guidance. The Doctor will give you a note to do a pregnancy test, usually 14 days after the oocyte harvest took place. This is a blood test and all values above 25 are considered positive and repeated within 48 hours to ensure an ongoing value.

  • 16

    When your test is positive, we will contact you for an appointment for the first scans at 7 weeks into your pregnancy. Celebrate and rest a lot.